The Rectory
Laura PlaceAberystwyth
Wales UK 3rd June 2011
It was my privilege to visit Xin Zhou in October 2006, The purpose of my journey was to see the place were my great grand father and grand mother, Herbert and Elizabeth Dixon had worked as missionaries from 1885 until they were martyred in the Boxer rebellion on the 9th August 1900.
I visited the church compound and saw the church and buildings that my great grandfather had helped to build. I have many letters and papers about the work they did among the people of Xin Zhou both with medicine and education of both men and women.
I have recently been told by Chinese Christians that the church has been partially knocked down and the land has been sold to the Buddhists from Wutai Shan. I have also read an appeal letter from them.
It is clear that this land belonged to the church and was paid for by the missionaries of the time, based on the documents that we have found so far. I feel extremely sad that this should be happening ,but living so far away I can only ask for your help in this matter. I have heard that the tearing down of the church site has been put on hold whilst the search for documents of ownership takes place. I am very grateful for this positive move.
I am asking you as their great grand daughter to return the land to the Christians of Xin Zhou that they may keep it as a memorial to the martyrs and museum for future generations.
Yours sincerely
Prudence Dixon Bell.
The names below are the remaining great grand children from Benjamin Dixon , Herbert’s Dixon’s eldest son. They all support my request to you.
Peter Dixon
James Dixon
Rose Dixon
Claire Dixon
2006年10月,我有幸造访了忻州,访问的主要目的是寻访我的曾祖父、曾祖母邸松牧师夫妇(Herbert and Elizabeth Dixon)的遗迹。邸松牧师夫妇自1885年到中国传教至1900年8月9日殉难于义和团刀剑,十几年如一日,全心全意地传扬福音,并以行医办学服事了忻州父老乡亲们。