
标题: 【中毒症状明显】还是请大家看看八度这套前后级! [打印本页]

作者: s1.4    时间: 2013-2-24 22:51
标题: 【中毒症状明显】还是请大家看看八度这套前后级!




作者: s1.4    时间: 2013-2-24 22:57




作者: s1.4    时间: 2013-2-24 23:00
HP 300 SE
The HP 300 SE is a enhanced version of the HP 300 MKII. The HP 300 SE does not replace the HP 300 SE, this model extends our range of Preamps. The HP 300 SE offers more flexibility in the connections and sonic benefits due to some improvements in the Power Supply and the Output stage of the Line Amplifier. The HP 300 SE has two independent XLR Inputs, three RCA Inputs, one Monitor Output, two RCA Outputs and one XLR Output. The Gain is switchable in three steps, this allow to set the optimum Gain and regulation Ratio depending on the efficiency of the Loudspeaker. The new designed Line Amp has a extremely high Signal to Noise Ratio. Noise is not only a characteristic of the tubes, a significant contribution is coming from the mains, respectively the Power supply design of a Preamp. The Power supply of the HP 300 SE consists of the external transformer with optimized isolation characteristic, and the precise ultra low noise Voltage regulators of the main unit. Both systems are match to each and help reducing the Noise of the Lime Amplifier effectively. The Balanced Output is realized with a highly symmetrical Output Transformer. The Transformer offers the possibility to connect or disconnect the Ground connection to the Power Amplifier. The feature helps to reduce disturbing mains induced currents that usually flow in the Ground of the Signal connection. Both Outputs offer very low Output Resistances. Connecting cables up to 5 - 10 meter is without negative influence. A helpful feature in modern Hifi combinations is the Home Theatre Bypass Function. The HP 300 SE offers this feature, with the additional possibility to select the Bypass Input from a RCA Input to a XLR Input. The Monitor Output is buffered and can be used to drive an external headphone Amp, the Analog Input of a Computer or similar. Phono MC is available optional.
Basic Model
HP 300 SE, optional: Phono MC
Tube Complement
Line-Platine: ECC 81 und ECC 88; Phono: ECC 81
Aluminium silver or Aluminium black

作者: s1.4    时间: 2013-2-24 23:01
RE 290
OCTAVE proudly presents the latest evolution of the successful and enduring RE 280 stereo amplifier. The company’s traditional stereo amplifier design has been produced since 1990, having been updated and improved continuously over the years. This progressive development has brought forth an even further improved variant in the form of the new RE 290 power amplifier – an ideal companion for any and all modern high-performance loudspeakers.
The RE 290 based on the stable and reliable electronic circuits of the RE 280 MKII model, while incorporating the benefits of the recently-developed KT120 power tube. The KT120 allows an output power of more than 100 W via two tubes in push-pull mode, while its current capacity is higher compared to the classic KT88 tube designs. Increased stability with difficult, low impedance speakers is achieved through the increased bandwidth and OCTAVE’s specially designed output transformers. Lifelike reproduction of even the most complex orchestral passages in the own home is now possible.
The power bandwidth of the RE 290 ranges from 15 Hz to 85 kHz. The noise level (100μV =-106dB) is so low that even with high efficiency speakers there is no audible hum or noise. The power supply functions are controlled by the exclusive OCTAVE power management circuitry. In combination with the highest quality components manufactured in Europe, this results in a finer-sounding and more stable performance over the entire lifetime of the RE 290 (over 15 years expectancy).
A certain charm of tube amplifiers is the ability to explore the sonic properties of different tube types. Whether rare NOS models or new tubes such as the KT120, the OCTAVE RE 290 allows the use of various pin-compatible output tubes. In order to allow optimal operation of a diverse range of output tubes of different power classes, a switching circuit is included on the rear panel of the amp. The bias of the output tubes can be fine-tuned in three steps. Other features enhancing ease of use and operation include the ECOmode, the optional connection for the external Black Box or Super Black Box capacitance upgrade modules, as well as switchable RCA and XLR inputs.
Basic Model
Stereo Power Amplifier with 2 x 90 Watt
Tube Complement
4 x KT120, Driverstage Tubes: 3 x ECC 82
Aluminium silver or Aluminium black
Add On Modules

Power Output
2 x 90/130 Watt into 4 Ohm in High Power Mode
2 x 70/90 Watt into 4 Ohm in Low Power Mode
Frequency Response
5 Hz - 80 kHz / - 3 dB
Total Harmonic Distortion
< 0,1% at 10 Watt into 4 Ohm
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
> 100 dB
Minimum Speaker Impedance
2 Ohm
Gain / Input Sensitivity RCA
+ 28 dB / 0,8 V
RE 290 Owner's Manual
General Facts
Power Consumption
200 Watt idle, 400 Watt at full power
Standard Accessory:
Power cord, 3 mm Screwdriverr for BIAS Adjustment
24,5 kg each Amplifier

作者: s1.4    时间: 2013-2-24 23:18
作者: 乐乐行    时间: 2013-2-24 23:25
本帖最后由 乐乐行 于 2013-2-24 23:44 编辑


作者: s1.4    时间: 2013-2-24 23:33
乐乐行 发表于 2013-2-24 23:25

作者: 乐乐行    时间: 2013-2-24 23:34
本帖最后由 乐乐行 于 2013-2-24 23:45 编辑

回复 s1.4 的帖子

作者: lintianshi    时间: 2013-2-24 23:56
作者: s1.4    时间: 2013-2-25 00:46
lintianshi 发表于 2013-2-24 23:56


作者: s1.4    时间: 2013-2-25 09:41
作者: 残月    时间: 2013-2-25 11:20
作者: szbnow    时间: 2013-2-25 13:48
HP 300 SE
HP 300 SE是HP 300 MKII增强版。HP 300 SE不会取代HP 300 SE,该款产品丰富了我们的前级范围。得益于改进的电源和线路放大器输出级,HP 300 SE的接法更灵活声音也更好。 HP 300 SE拥有两个独立的XLR输入,3个RCA输入,1个监听输出,2个RCA输出和XLR输出。增益设计为三级可调,可以根据喇叭效率设定最佳增益和调节比例。新设计的线路放大器具有极高的信噪比。噪声来源不仅是真空管本身特性的原因,很大部分来自电源,独立前级供电设计。 HP 300 SE的电源包括优化隔离特性的外置变压器,并且采用精确的超低噪声电压调节器。这两种系统互相匹配有效减少了噪音。用高度对称的输出变压器实现平衡输出。变压器连功率放大器可以接地。该功能有助于减少信号连接后产生的感应电流。两路输出提供了非常低的输出阻抗。连接电缆可达5 - 10米而不会造成负面的影响。HP 300 SE提供一个分线路用与现代音响有用的家庭影院功能。即从RCA输入到XLR输入。带缓冲的监听输出可用来驱动外部耳放,电脑或类似的模拟输入。 唱机MC是可选型。
HP 300 SE,可选:MC唱头
线路:锌铜合金:ECC 81 或88; 唱机:ECC 81
OCTAVE荣幸推出大获成功和经久不衰RE280立体声放大器最新型。该公司自1990年就开始设计传统的立体声放大器,多年来不断改进和升级。RE 290功放体现了多年来不断的发展及未来的型号—— 任何现代的高性能扬声器的理想伴侣。
RE 290 采用RE 280 MKII相同的稳定可靠线路设计,但用却发挥了近年来新研制的KT120型功放管的优点。通过两只KT120在推挽模式下实现100瓦以上的输出功率,同时其电流容量高于经典的KT88管。非常不容易的是管子稳定性也有提升,通过更宽频率范围和OCTAVE专门设计的输出变压器使低阻喇叭推动成为可能。即使在自己家里也可以将最复杂的管弦乐演绎的逼真再现,栩栩如生。
RE 290电源的带宽可达15 Hz至85 kHz。噪音水平(100μV=-106分贝)非常低,即使搭配高效率的喇叭也没有嗡嗡声或噪音。通过独特的OCTAVE电源管理电路控制电源。全部采用欧洲制造的最高品质的元件,因此RE 290在整个寿命期间不仅可以享受更好的声音而且性能更稳定(使用可以超过15年)。
电子管功放另一个魅力是可以尝试用不同管子实现不一样的声音。不管是难买NOS管或新的电子管,如KT120,OCTAVE RE 290允许使用的引脚兼容的功放管。为了让各种各样的不同功放管工作在最佳状态,后面板上设置了切换电路。输出管的偏置设置三档微调。另外一个特点是加强了易用性和操作包括ECO模式,可通过外部黑盒(暂直译,原文black box)或者超级黑盒(super black box)升级模块,以及可切换的RCA和XLR输入等。
4 x KT120,驱动级电子管: 3×ECC 82


5赫兹 - 80千赫/ - 3分贝

> 100分贝


+ 28分贝/ 0.8 V

电源线,3mm Screwdriverr BIAS adjustment
重量 每个放大器24.5公斤

作者: lintianshi    时间: 2013-2-25 15:12
回复 s1.4 的帖子



作者: s1.4    时间: 2013-2-25 19:37

首先是动态与细腻度上,500都要超过300不少,可谓一分钱一分货,其次乐感上,单纯跟机管子,500的 ...
lintianshi 发表于 2013-2-25 15:12


HP 500 SE, the Orchestral
Our perennial preamplifier, the HP 500, has been around for almost as long as OCTAVE and was in many ways responsible for defining our approach to building amplifiers. For over 20 years, this preamplifier has been the epitome for consistent excellence in sound quality and state-of-the-art tube technology.During this time, it has maintained its market-leading position thanks to regular design updates from OCTAVE. OCTAVE recently developed the SE (Special Edition) version to mark the 25th anniversary of Stereoplay magazine, which first tested the original HP 500 in 1989. The SE brings the HP 500 preamp back to the current state-of-the-art once more. The use of two Siemens D3A (EF 184) pentodes provides the output stage of the HP 500 SE with a significantly greater bandwidth (0.2 Hz to 2.3 MHz, 6 dB). The extremely low cut-off frequency is responsible for the clearer and more tightly defined bass, which provides the foundation for a clean low frequency register and a thrilling midrange performance. OCTAVE has also further refined the outboard power supply. MOSFET transistors regulate the high-voltage supply. Increased reservoir capacity, improved rectification with Schottky diodes, and end-to-end electronic stabilization all ensure a virtually noise-free supply voltage with a noise component of less than 300 &micro;V. These measures contribute to the exceptionally high signal-to-noise ratio of 103dB

作者: jim2wang    时间: 2013-2-26 02:50
有一台老款的HP 500,不过曾经在2007年由Octave老板Hoffmann本人亲自操刀在原厂磨改过的,可谓真正的仅此一台限量SE版,但我本人听不惯八度这么精细入微的音色,挂在胆艺轩出货,寻有缘人。
怕有违版规,隔壁论坛的帖子在这儿不贴链接了,有意可到胆艺轩搜Octave HP 500即可。
作者: 木耳朵    时间: 2013-2-26 10:39


去隔壁把那套20w的单拿至尊+arc 5+arc 600mk2拿下吧,,,,,,,
作者: guhelim    时间: 2013-2-26 18:42
作者: 閑雲孤鶴    时间: 2013-2-27 12:46
作者: s1.4    时间: 2013-2-27 17:12
閑雲孤鶴 发表于 2013-2-27 12:46


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