《浊水河上的桥》是我最喜欢的一首流行歌。保罗.西蒙与加芬克尔这首著名的传世之作影响了整整几代人。歌曲里的歌颂在那个和当今物欲横流的年代,人与人之间真诚的友谊是多么的可贵!Paul Frederic Simon,1941年10月13日出生于美国新泽西州纽华克市,他首次与其伙伴Art Garfunkel以一种二人组合“Tom And Jerry”的形式进入音乐届。他们获得巨大成功。经典名曲有。“The Sound of Slience”、“Scarborough Fair”、“I Am a Rock”等等。1970年Simon与Carfunkel发表了专辑《浊水河上的桥》,捧回了3项格莱美大奖。这首歌歌词真挚深情,整首歌曲运用管弦乐和钢琴伴奏。这首歌意境深远博大,词句诗意盎然,听过的人无不为之感动!这首歌教会鼓励人们如何面对孤独和独处,珍惜朋友间的真诚友情,互相帮助和支持,一起走过困境。音乐中流露出来的细腻丰富的内心情感震憾人心。这首名曲有许多版本,我听过不少。上论坛多年,深有感触:“斯世如浊水,音乐似桥梁”!
When you're weary,
feeling small,
When tears are in your eyes,
I will dry them all
I'm on your side.
When times get rough
And friends just can't be found,
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down.
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down.
When you're down and out,
When you're on the street,
When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you.
I'll take your part.
When darkness comes
And pains is all around,
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down.
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down.
Sail on silvergirl,
Sail on by.
Your time has come to shine.
All your dreams are on their way.
See how they shine.
If you need a friend
I'm sailing right behind.
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind.
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind.
问尔所之,是否如适 are you going to scarborough fair?
蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷 parsley sage rosemary and thyme.
彼方淑女,凭君寄辞 remember me to one who lives there.
伊人曾在,与我相知 she once was a true love of mine.
嘱彼佳人,备我衣缁 tell her to make me a cambric shirt.
蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷 parsley sage rosemary and thyme.
勿用针砧,无隙无疵 without no seams nor needle work.
伊人何在,慰我相思 then she will be a true love of mine.
彼山之阴,深林荒址 on the side of hill in the deep forest green,
冬寻毡毯,老雀燕子 tracing of sparrow on snow crested brown.
雪覆四野,高山迟滞 blankets and bed clothiers the child of maintain
眠而不觉,寒笳清嘶 sleeps unaware of the clarion call.
嘱彼佳人,营我家室 tell her to find me an acre of land.
蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷 parsley sage rosemary and thyme.
良田所修,大海之坻 between the salt water and the sea strand,
伊人应在,任我相视 then she will be a true love of mine.
彼山之阴,叶疏苔蚀 on the side of hill a sprinkling of leaves
涤我孤冢,珠泪渐渍 washes the grave with slivery tears.
惜我长剑,日日拂拭 a soldier cleans and polishes a gun.
寂而不觉,寒笳长嘶 sleeps unaware of the clarion call.
嘱彼佳人,收我秋实 tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather.
蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷 parsley sage rosemary and thyme.
敛之集之,勿弃勿失 and gather it all in a bunch of heather.
伊人犹在,唯我相誓 then she will be a true love of mine.
烽火印啸,浴血之师 war bellows blazing in scarlet battalions.
将帅有令,勤王之事 generals order their soldiers to kill and to fight for a cause.
争斗缘何,久忘其旨 they have long ago forgotten.
痴而不觉,寒笳悲嘶 sleeps unaware of the clarion call 作者: shinelb 时间: 2011-1-10 20:07
【转一个帖子】闲来无事,喜欢听歌,听老歌。《Scarborough Fair》是我很喜欢的一首老歌,它的旋律,仿佛是一阵清风,夹杂着野草野花的苦寒轻香,在大地上缓缓掠过;而我更看见一个穿白衣服的人摇着木铎,边走边呼唤着苍穹,在一望无际的大地与村庄之间采集梦幻。真的很难忘却这种莫名的联想。
1966年底,Paul Simon在英国时将它改编成反战色彩浓厚的歌曲,并收入他的专辑《Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme》之中,后收录于电影《The Graduate》(其中的《The Sound of Silence》是另一首广为流传的歌)的原声带中而成为20世纪最后30年间历久不衰、最脍炙人口的名曲之一。Simon(西蒙)是犹太美国人,在英国剑桥攻读文学专业。他在与Carthy合作演唱时从Carthy那里学会了这首歌,又把自己写的一首反战歌曲《The Side Of A Hill》作为副歌和这首歌混在一起,用对比的手法表达了对和平的渴望。Garfunkel(加芬克尔)好像是学数学出身的,他为副歌作了曲,成为歌中的“颂歌”部分。两人在录音时利用多轨技术把多个声部叠加在一起,使人声显得特别丰富。“知己良朋”比世界上任何一样东西还要珍贵,如果有两个人从小学就开始认识,有共同音乐兴趣,充满才华,后来更加成为举世瞩目的二人组合,就真的令人羡慕,这个组合就是在60年代走红,近代音乐史上最成功、最有影响力、最完美的二重唱组合Simon & Garfunkel。他们二人于1989年获得了美国乐坛最高荣誉“摇滚殿堂名人”奖。