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特价优惠出售意大利HI-END音箱EMME经典型号The new Beta

发表于 2017-9-22 19:21:42 | 只看该作者 | 倒序看帖 | 打印 | 使用道具
意大利HI-END音箱EMME大中华区总代理推广特价优惠出售The new beta经典落地箱,厂家单只哑光黑原价4500欧元,一对是9000欧元,此次总代理推出3对特价4.5万元人民币,售完即止,之后恢复原价销售(7.1万人民币)。联系人:步月斋主,联系方式:旺旺-步月斋主,微信-buyuezhai2012。
评测http://my-hiend.com/wp/emmespeak ... %e5%96%87%e5%8f%ad/




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发表于 2017-9-22 19:26:30 | 只看该作者




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发表于 2017-9-25 18:59:53 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2017-9-28 09:02:53 | 只看该作者
My hi-end的介绍




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发表于 2017-9-28 09:43:33 | 只看该作者
Mono and Stereo High-End Audio Magazine
EMMESpeakers BETA speakers test review
When EMMESpeakers new version of BETA in the Red Passion finish arrived I was fighting with the heat, but  just couldn't set still and resist. Martinelli brothers sure know how to ignite my lights. EMMERack reviewed here everything about Beta's is refined and manufactured to the highest standards.
First feelings? Lamborghini like. Passionate to the moon and with appeal that cuts through your perception. Check out the pictures below. I had to replace black Astri Audio diffusors-panels with the red ones to give them right luxury appeal. Visual impact is over the top. Red Passion finish is really something to see in person. I tried to capture the spirit of the colour and above picture perhaps capture it most prominently. As it changes with the position of light source you'll always hard pressed to pin down the right palatable tone.
Why hide when you have so much to say. Some poets let the poetry speaks in the simple rhymes, others strive for a perfection in elaboration. EMMESpeakers BETA speakers are the fusion of both. Simplicity carved with the sophistication of trained artisan. To often we took industrial design as something, that is a evil have to be done. If we look in the heart of matter deeper, we quickly realise that everything is taken into perception in the present times regarding design. Just look Apple, Hermes etc. All the curves, dimensions and aesthetics are part of a perfect planning. Nothing anymore happens along the way, but by strong dedication and much time spend while designing it.
EMMESpeakers BETA speakers are the child of such fine tuned and dedicated design. The fusion of great sound and aesthetics is not such an easy task as it might see to the untrained eye. In this day and age everyone have a feeling about how easy things are to be done. You have CAD  (computer assisted design) on hand, an idea and the of computer generating the proper sound behaviour of the enclosure. Easy right!? When you're approaching the realisation suddenly each step became important and relevant. Satisfied final outcome quickly become a wishful thinking for most. Like with composing the music. It's not everybody cup of tea. And as known Slovenian proverb sums; leave the shoes to the shoemaker.
EMMESpeakers embraced the art of industrial design and sound expertly. Their works speaks for themselves at once your getting in contact with any of their products.

Some designers spend their lifetime in pursue of Ad Hoc recognition. Other simply work out of the passion and talent with strong dedication and urge. Those seem to luckily succeed in their endeavours. Lorenzo brothers without a thinking falls in the later camp.

Press and play

We might love or hate the world we're living in. Fur sure our movement affect is more local and if not personally then globally. What we can actually do is make our life enriched by the 'right' things. More then ever we need to live with right choices that makes our life better, less complicated and makes us happier.
Music is one of the best ways to give the pace of equilibrium for both mind and body. Its about time we feel good and right about forgetting the technology, rule out the world and feel happy about things we have in possession. It's the time of press and play along with great life-style. Why not enjoying our gear with pride of ownership and great aesthetics along with simple integration.

I shows that Lorenzo brothers think out of the box and in the service of music and customers. I'm trilled about their venture and what future is brining from their hands.

Style and passion

No matter if your environment is classical or contemporary oriented EMMESpeakers BETA speakers comes in the package both unique and timeless that speaks with the harmonically language of both approaches. This is the product that enrich the living space with its pedigree, looks, finish and nonetheless most important sound. With the advancement of technology we finally came to a stage where the looks and the performance can go hand in hand. Martinelli brothers managed to established a refined insight of the high-end audio styling and design. Their efforts and vision already created few outstanding products and BETA is no exception. From it basic curves, stands and shape EMMESpeakers BETA speakers radiate with profound energy.
They just feels right sized and surpassingly sound bigger then they looks like. One thing that skilled designers can mask is the actual size of the product. With elegancy and right curves you can create an illusion of something being different then it is. EMMESpeakers BETA speakers perfectly blended this art that makes Beta bigger, but still not looking huge.

EMMESpeakers BETA speakers are sized just right for normal listening spaces. They can be also used also closer to wall so that back wall positioning wouldn't minimise the performance, but these are speakers that you don't want to hide even if you're tight on space.

Perfect listening triangle positioning worked great at my review and from my listening notes.  While their sweet spot is not so tightly dependable on the listening position I always repositioned them in that way.


BETA speakers didn't came just to look gorgeous, but to perform at certain level. High-end; high-performance! Warm, transparent character with correct timbre and from what if I scrutinise it with broad frequency spectrum without bumps or holes.

BETA EMMESpeakers comes with a luxury appeal, which seductive both visually and sonically. With its energetic nature it gives music that recognisable Italian feeling of letting everything go and enjoy the moment. EMMESpeakers BETA speakers are not closed or dark sounding like some classical Sonus Faber speakers might be, but more on the contemporary side. I would say they're open and dynamic with enough passionate potency that makes your blood boiled to the right "listening" temperature in no time.
We can argue all day long about how high-end products can sound similar, but after all the years in high-end audio I can boldly declare that every product carry the imprint of the designer when it comes to sound. We all have our unique looks and feelings about how to perceive music and Martinelli brothers inserted their view of life, passion and musical enjoyment. And to a what degree!


Only thing that matters when it comes to musical section is THE MUSIC. First things that need to impress me or not is the natural timbre and colour. Second most important is the transfer of musical energy. True high-end components need to be interactive to the point when the bridge is firmly set between the listener and performer. If that fails ultimately, everything else comes as less importance.

As the wind carries the flavour of the nature in the air, so does a speaker or any given component carry the sound and unique imprint of the people behind it. No need to go esoterically or highly philosophical. Many times it simply comes down to the choices. Choices morph into so called "musical" DNA. They are made willingly or sub-concisely, yet they affect the outcome of any material and technology being shaped into the product. As with music which is even more subtle. Affection of emotions implemented when creating a music affects us. Scientists still go around figuring and translating the exact impact of music. I'm more then sure then certain components affects our perception of music with more depth then others. EMMESpeakers Beta's do it with grace.
Nancy Brick album might be my personal discovery of the year. Simple, sublime and primal in its core. When the interplay of guitar and vocal invisibly embrace you there is no escape of emotional journey. The Mountain moves in slow pace, like some poetic slow motion in the classical movie scene. EMMESpeakers BETA speakers acted instrumental in conveying Ron and Rieneke magic. Digital cannot sound great on vinyl... Go recheck your beliefs.

Dire Straits are "great" partners through the years. The band and Mark wizard's  goes in to the creation of so many epic songs. Private Investigation, Telegraph Road etc. Whenever you need to check the completeness of system there are steady partners in crime. EMMESpeakers BETA speakers didn't hide anything. When driven with right amplifier the scene was right and more then familiar.

Pat Metheny is one of the most recognised musical and guitar icons. While many people speaks reversely about his material past ECM classics, for me he's on the right path. I do have to admit that Pat Metheny Group white ECM album get most of the play time. Synergy, melodic magic and the interplay are as fresh as they were back in 70's. There is the joy and free spirit masked behind every note. It doesn't get better then this for emotional impact combined with vinyl. Deliberately I'm not talking about the sound, but the energy of motion. System can either make this an enjoyable event or fail. You might like or dislike the particular ECM sound, but there is no second guessing of feelings being sparkling. Again, EMMESpeakers BETA speakers mojo didn't fail.

Modern audiophile and music lover

Audiophiles can many times create an closed enviroment where not everyone can find their spot. Then again by each year more and more people related to high-end doesn't even want to be labeled as audiophiles. Guess why...
I feel that company like EMMESpeakers represent a new breed of manufacturers. Their goal in not a strict narrow pin pointed customer base, but a broad music loving crowd with the sense and appreciation of things beautiful. And their covering the gap between audiophiles needs and aesthetic needs of present times.

I've written in last year on few ocassion how style is becoming not only important but integral part of high-end audio. Other thing is sharing our world with people we love. With product like EMMESpeakers BETA speakers we have a blend of the both worlds in best sense.


In the world where we even chase our selves with the impact of hectic fast living and never ending schedules, one start to cherish his time more by each year. What ever is left of it should be employed in the best manner.

Martinelli brothers do not hide their solution and proposition; put your life at a pace of complete enjoyment. Forget about things and jump into the endless universe of music. EMMESpeakers BETA speakers were not created to do things a half way. Everything is done with an pursue of perfection and care. EMMESpeakers demanding worldwide customer base clearly shows, that dedication, passion and hard works unite in the fruitful result. And as said I'm very happy that products like beta starting to appear at much lover price range that most luxury high-end brands would go for. I would't call BETA's affordable, but they are offering easier way into upper echelon.
EMMESpeakers BETA speakers are most radiant speakers I had pleasure of spending my time with. They can never be mistaken for anything else and their energy and capturing of the living environment is one of the kind. That goes along with passionate reproduction of music. No restrains.

If you have a chance do experience them in Red Passion finish. That colour have a killer effect.

In the world where style and quality of living are going hand in hand more then ever, EMMESpeakers BETA speakers represent a true Italian breeder. Everything around EMMESpeakers works within realms of passion and opulence. They make you feel good, passionate and with the level of proud ownership that many companies product's far beyond their priced fail to ignite.

EMMESpeakers BETA speakers feels right, sounds right, looks right and radiate with right energy. They can easily been seen in the house of Saudi Arabia Sultan, conductor home,  audiophile nest or in the living room of any sort. And what they all have in common is passionate listening with üBER style. Along with EMMERack Audio Rack EMMESpeakers BETA speakers receive the only Performance, luxury and style Mono & Stereo Matej Isak award.
原文网址链接:http://www.monoandstereo.com/201 ... rs-test-review.html

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发表于 2017-9-28 09:56:56 | 只看该作者
Emme & Waterfall Speakers

I was familiar with the glass-cabinet Waterfall speakers in Room 239, but not the brightly colored speakers flanking them, from Arizonan company Emme Speakers. The white speakers are the New Gamma ($30,000/pair), the red ones the New Beta ($12,000/pair). Offering “Fashion and Passion,” the Emme speakers are available in 24 designer colors from two retailers, in Arizona and Malibu, CA.
Hooked up to Aragon amplification with Snake River cables, and source a laptop running JRiver Media Center feeding an EAR D/A processor, all three loudspeakers suffered somewhat from there being too many speakers in close proximity to one another in too small a room.

Read more at https://www.stereophile.com/cont ... sPpmG78yryO0ExFk.99




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发表于 2017-9-28 11:03:01 | 只看该作者
“The Times They Are A-changing” sang Bob Dylan, and I must say that yes, 50 years later, times are still a-changing. Those of you that lived High Fidelity in the 70’s surely remember, sometimes with nostalgia and sometimes not, the terrible finishing of many of the loudspeakers of that time. Just two names: Advent and AR. Taking away the front grids you could see a front panel with no finishing at all and with the drivers stuck in there somehow; it seemed that they were there, just because there was no other place to put them and because that was the only way to make them sound good. Tweeters were another thing that one could not look at. Anyhow, their sound was often really good despite their look so music lovers did not care. In the 70’s, people predicted that the XXI century were going to be a century of flying cars, men colonizing Mars and the Moon and other incredible fantasies. We are in the XXI Century now, 13 years have passed since its beginning and not one of those fantasies became true; many prophets have been retracted and many others have surprised us. For sure, High Fidelity survived with an unchanged will to help us reproduce music as close to original as possible. But the market has changed. Once, the most important thing was the substance and not the form, the minimalistic British design was the proof. Now, interior designers are more and more important and the aesthetics of the components of our systems is a must.

Form and function are strictly linked and are things we can’t do without. Even in the so called Developing Countries these parameters are really important. But may be I should say those Countries formerly called Developing Countries that now are developed and can easily go shopping in those Countries that used to look at them with self-importance.

Well, to conquer these new markets it takes something different. A loudspeaker with the usual parallelepiped shape and finished with cheap veneered wood has no appeal. For these markets, and most of all to conquer these markets, we need something different. The guests that come to visit us, must come into our houses and be struck by our latest purchase. There is a sort of race and, in this race, people that design and produce the most original objects win. There are designer that in the past were busy doing other things and now are engaged in our field. I want to remind to our dear readers that one of the first examples of originality can be found in Sonus Faber’s production in the 80’s. The talent of Franco Serblin amazed everyone for the design perfection and the use of precious materials for the cabinet. Nowadays, the request of products with an original design is increasing and Italy, the Homeland of design and creativity, is the leader in proposing new and original ideas. Let’s be honest, all this is not simple, since the components that want to have the “quality seal” Hi-End, Hi-Fi and Hi Performance Audio, must have certain specific characteristics.A Hi-Fi system has nothing to do with small cubes that can be put among books and a subwoofer that remains hidden in the closet.Many people understood all this and have been working for years to design, promote and produce components to be distributed all around the world.
Audio-activity is into Hi-Fi and thanks to the English version we are read all over the world - and we are really proud about it! -.
For this reason Italian and foreign producers ask us to review their products in order to put them in “our international virtual window”.  We review all products without prejudice, the new designer components and the old rough products that the old fashioned audio-lovers like (and believe that the worst they look the better they sound).
Luckily, this world is big and there is space for everyone, we review and share our thoughts with all those that are so kind to stay with us.

Today we are going to speak about EMMESpeakers, an enterprise from Milano that I know since its first “steps”. Let me just for once say: I discovered them! Their first model was named Beta and looked much alike this new one, that has been largely revisited inside. Loudspeakers and crossover are completely different, consequently the sound is very different. Lorenzo and Paolo Martinelli are brothers and are the founders of EMMESpeakers. They created this enterprise 5 years ago and believed in their talent. They have created a high quality product that is distributed now in many Countries. If you take a look at their Facebook page or at their website, you can see pictures of EMMESpeakers loudspeakers in houses in the remotest corners of the world. Wow! This must be really rewarding! Moreover, this is a period in which the internal consumptions in our Country is contracting and export is really important because it keeps us alive. All the entrepreneurs that have the courage and ability to produce and export Italian made products must be admired and encouraged. In the Hi-Fi sector the Martinelli’s are very active and demonstrate ability and originality in their production.

The Da Vinci, their new model of loudspeaker, is something really original and is unlike anything else seen so far. But this is not the model we are reviewing today since we received the new version of the Beta, the first model in EMMESpeakers’ history. Only the shape of the speaker is unchanged, all the rest is different.

Well, let’s take a look at the technical details that the project manager gave us, here below there are their white papers:
The New Beta loudspeaker by EMMESpeakers at a first look can be easily confused with a three ways design but, despite of its aspect, it's closer to a 2 1/2 ways design even if rather unconventional.
It has been wanted, since the early design phases, to reach a sound reproduction of a 2 ways in sealed box but with the wider frequency response and higher power handling typical of a multi-way loudspeakers. To do that a fast 5" Mid Woofer is supported, at in low frequency, by 8" Woofer, connected to each other with a 'quasi' series network.

Looking at the NEW BETA crossover, different types of networks can be seen. While the TW has a conventional third order network, the 5" MW and 8"WF are connected in series and managed by a third order network (L2, C4, L3). A further capacitor (C6) by-passes the 8" Woofer in mid frequency, leaving the MW able to reach the crossover (fourth acoustical order) alone with the Tweeter at 1.3 kHz.
The C5-R4 Zobel network is tuned to align the 5" MW phase response  to the desired value. The graphic shows the relative phase between TW and MW, fixed in crossover region at 45 degrees.
Our studies have determined that the relative phase of 45 degrees provides a more stable and wider soundstage.
R3 has an important function of  distribution of the amplifier power between  WF and MW, in function of each power handling capability.
The NEW BETA impedance is an easy load for any  kind of power amplifier, allowing the widest electrical compatibility. However, at least 20 watts are recommended for best sound performance.

The frequency response of NEW BETA has been subjected to accurate studies and responds to specific design requirements.
Each part of the loudspeaker (drivers, crossover network, box shape) has been chosen and designed to get exactly what desired.
Compared to a typical isophonic curve it can see how, the frequency response of NEW BETA is tuned on the human ear sensibility.
It provides a very natural reproduction allowing a long time listening with absence of any fatigue.

The NEW BETA layout sees the use of the best choice available for its class:
•    Drivers by SB Acoustic
•    Crossover’s components by Mundorf
•    Internal wiring by Van den Hul & Sommer Cable
•    Binding posts by Furutech
•    NERINOX screws
•    AISI 304 stainless steel parts
•    Cabinet made in customized densitiy MDF
•    7 layers polyester finishes (final thickness 500-600 micron).
The loudspeaker box is manufactured by italians master handcrafters, with the help of most modern technologies.
A sandwich structure has been designed to guarantee damped resonances and time durability. The particular shape, a marvelous example of Italian design that joins curves and edges in an harmonic game, and multiple prospectives, is active part in the  holographic sound reconstruction.

The NEW BETA loudspeaker, thanks to its specifications, is fully optimized to work in domestic environments, usually shared with normal familiar activities (living rooms for example) and normally furnished. It’s designed to provide a correct sound reproduction even when located 0,50 meters from the rear wall.
The Beta have been connected to the following system:

turntable Basis 2001, tonearm Graham 2.2, cartridge Scan Tech Lyra Helikon, phono preamplifier: Einstein "The Turntable's Choice", CD/SACD player dCS Puccini + Puccini U-Clock, preamplifier: MBL 4006, power amplifiers: Bryston 7B ST mono, loudspeakers: JBL 4350B,  interconnect cables: MIT Oracle MA-X Proline, MIT Shotgun S2 RCA, Transparent Super XLR, Transparent Super RCA, LAT International XLR, loudspeaker cables: MIT Magnum MA, Vovox Initio, power cables: MIT Shotgun AC 1, Black Noise Pearl and others DIY, mains distributor: Lector Edison 230/8, mains filter: Black Noise 2500.

The loudspeakers are brand new and have been played for only few hours. Their sound in fact is kind of hard.  
I played music for a couple of days with a tuner, and a burn-in CD for a few hours.
I'm sure now the speakers are ready and I decide to test them with a CD that belongs to my daughter: “Des Visages et Des Figures” by Noir Desir, a French group ( Carosello/ Warner Music). It’s a CD of electronic music, with deep low and violent keys, that are reproduced by the Beta correctly even at high volume.
The beautiful “Allegretto” of Beethoven’s 7th symphony (Osmo Vänskä - Minnesota Orchestra - SACD BIS), reveals a wide and deep soundstage. The EMMESpeakers respect the dynamic variations and are able to communicate the meaning and the feeling of the composition we are listening to.      
They are sealed box loaded and this helps to position them in the room; despite this, their position must be carefully calculate to obtain the best from them. It’s hard to describe their sound, a sound that is neutral and characterized by a good performance in the low range, that is precise and without annoying tales.
The Beta must be connected to a good power amplifier if you want them to show their dynamics characteristics. In a large room their performance will be limited as for the volume, due to the midrange overwork. But if you do not live in a discotheque, this will not affect you.
The small amount of space they need and their slim shape fit well in all the environments.
It is surely a successful component and it deserves the international diffusion and success it is having.

The price is a bit higher if compared to components that have similar performances. These loudspeakers can be customized as for the finishing, so to have a “tailor made” product and all this certainly adds value to the product. The Company is serious and the product is reliable, a custom built product for those of you that do not want a mass-produced item.
Together with the loudspeakers, we received a rack, the EMMERack Smart, that we have assembled and photographed before the components hide it. The aesthetic impact is great and its functionality is out of question. The SRS - Smart Rack System - allows a good control of vibration thanks to the silent blocks that are put between the shelves. Their resonance frequency can be changed simply tightening and loosening the supporting bars. The finishing of the small table we have, is mat black but you can choose from many options so to personalize it. The rack is modular and has 3 shelves. The distance between them, is up to the user to be as close to the user’s needs as possible.
Angelo Jasparro
Manufacturer: EMMESpeakers Snc
EU Beta suggested retail price: euro 9.000,00/pair in standard finishing
EU Rack suggested retail price:  euro 1.895,00 in standard finishing




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发表于 2017-9-28 11:42:01 | 只看该作者
[試聽報告] 以性能為後盾-EMMESpeakers The Da Vinci

義大利人對於產品造型創意的大膽創新恐怕永遠沒有底線,這一點從才引進國內不久的義大利喇叭品牌EMMESpeakers即可略知一二,尤其是這款The Da Vinci喇叭,可說是EMMESpeakers產品中最特殊的一個。說實話我第一次看見時還有點不太能接受,因為它的特異造型與金箔貼面有違我對美學與美感的認知,但隨著相處之日久,並在網路上看了許多EMMESpeakers在不同空間中展示的照片之後,我發現我慢慢能欣賞它的獨特美感,並開始體會到美學的多元與豐富。



EMMESpeakers的設計風格不也是如此,它來自流行時尚與工業設計大國義大利,設計者Lorenzo Martinelli從2006年的創始之作The Beta MKI便已確立其造型風格,以水滴狀音箱配上特殊的金屬質感表面處理,和任何一個喇叭品牌相比,都具有極高的辨識度。EMMESpeakers另一個不同於其他音響品牌的地方是,它是先推出數款落地型大喇叭,例如The Beta與旗艦The Gamma,然後到了2013年才有這第一款The Da Vinci書架喇叭問世,那麼是不是可以推斷The Da Vinci應該使用了許多旗艦喇叭的技術呢?

The Da Vinci的音箱是將很厚的MDF板,以CNC直接在板材中央刻出音箱的內部輪廓,然後加壓貼合數片MDF板構成音箱。接縫處並未加以填平打磨,而是刻意加深溝槽,讓它變成音箱側邊的平行條紋,反而成了外型上的特點。
確實如此,不過,對EMMESpeakers來說,應該沒有旗不旗艦的問題,因為它目前旗下的The New Beta、The New Gamma、The New Beta C中置,以及這款The Da Vinci書架喇叭,都用上了旗艦The New Gamma的技術,差別只在於體積大小不同而已。


雖然The Da Vinci是目前EMMESpeakers最小的喇叭,但設計時所花的功夫一點也沒比較少,反而更費心力,因為從設計之初EMMESpeakers便為The Da Vinci立下了目標,那就是要用書架喇叭的體積,再生出接近全頻域的聲音,並且具備很高的承受功率,讓它既有書架喇叭的精準度,又能具備近似落地大喇叭的聲音表現。怎麼做呢?EMMESpeakers的想法很簡單:把落地喇叭才會用的3音路設計塞進書架喇叭的箱體中,不就有落地喇叭的性能了嗎?更猛的是,EMMESpeakers打算塞進10吋低音單體,一舉兼顧低頻的量感與延伸。

看到The Da Vinci圓滾滾的身軀,應該可以猜到10吋低音單體藏在哪裡了吧?沒錯,就是在背後,這樣的設計讓The Da Vinci具有30Hz至40kHz的頻率響應表現,比起中大型落地喇叭毫不遜色。

但優異頻響的背後,可是無數的設計難題。由於The Da Vinci的音箱構造極不尋常,又要塞進3顆單體,如何挑選出適合的單體變成EMMESpeakers的難題,經過許多的嘗試,最後選定高音與中音使用Accuton的1.2吋CELL陶瓷高音單體與5吋CELL陶瓷中音,具備高頻寬、低失真、高靈敏度的優點。低音單體則是SB Acoustic的10吋單體,採鋁合金振膜,它的「淺盤」結構獲得EMMESpeakers的青睞,因為振膜夠淺,才放得進有限音箱內。


The Da Vinci有3顆單體,要塞進小小的音箱裡,然後又要維持EMMESpeakers慣用的密閉式音箱設計,你可以想像唱起歌來音箱內部的壓力會有多大,此時音箱結構的整體強度就變得更重要了。還好,這正是EMMESpeakers的強項。


The Da Vinci的表面處理方式也是一絕。以送來試聽的這款The Da Vinci為例,其表面以金箔手工貼附,再以亮面烤漆處理,可產生不規則的自然紋理,看起來貴氣又搶眼。而除了金質外,還有銀質、黃銅與紅銅等不同的金屬質地可選擇,這都是EMMESpeakers獨有的設計!

10吋低音單體藏在背後,幾乎占滿整個背板,讓The Da Vinci的頻率響應可達30Hz - 40kHz的高水準。

另外還可以看到The Da Vinci正面是一塊凸出的黑色障板,陶瓷高音與陶瓷中音都固定在上面,這部分運用到了EMMESpeakers特有的BSSE(box shape for sound enhancement)技術。什麼是BSSE?這是EMMESpeakers既有的技術,透過上窄下寬的水滴狀音箱,縮減高音單體與中音單體周圍的障板面積,進而減低繞射影響。但是The Da Vinci的音箱容積都不夠了,當然不能像EMMESpeakers的落地喇叭一樣做成水滴形狀,因此特別加裝一塊2.5mm厚的實心鋁板,它的厚度與形狀都經過計算,也能發揮BSSE技術的效果。

分音器部分,EMMESpeakers說得並不詳細,只說採用很低的分頻點與高階分頻網路,元件則都是發燒補料,例如Mundorf電容。很低的分頻點或許意味著高音與中音之間、中音與低音之間的分頻點比一般要低,也就是說,The Da Vinci的高音單體及中音單體所負責的頻域都比較廣,10吋低音單體的工作頻域則相對較窄,也較為輕鬆。這考驗著高音與中音單體本身的性能。

由於The Da Vinci箱體本身的震動一定不小,因此喇叭腳架與喇叭架的設計變得格外重要。為此The Da Vinci下方備有鋁合金腳架,其形狀與厚度都經過仔細計算,然後再配上工業規格AISI 304的不鏽鋼角錐,加強抑震能力。另外還有外型可與之搭配的專屬喇叭架,從上頭的平行條紋可知也是用MDF板一片片拼合而成。特別的是,專屬喇叭架頂板的4角已經裝有不鏽鋼圓墊,其材質是AISI 204,是用來承受喇叭腳架的4個不鏽鋼角錐,此設計的目的不僅是支撐喇叭,也是為了控制諧振。凡此種種都是針對The Da Vinci的特殊結構而設,可說是煞費苦心。

The Da Vinci的喇叭架也是專門為之設計的,從上頭的平行線條可以知道,喇叭架也是用一片片ㄇ字型的MDF板加壓貼合而成。

造型、結構都如此特殊的喇叭,該用什麼樣的搭配呢?以其密閉式音箱,音箱容積又不大的設計來看,箱內空氣阻尼的作用肯定頗為明顯,加上採用多階分音,分音器的元件多,也會消耗功率,因此The Da Vinci的效率不高是可以預期的。果不其然,規格書上表明其阻抗是6歐姆,效率為84 dB,擴大機的功率可不能太小,好在社內還有一套Linear Acoustic的LA-V4 II前級與LA 100M單聲道後級,後級輸出功率8歐姆250瓦,二話不說就拿來搭配The Da Vinci。

The Da Vinci使用的單體包括30 mm Accuton CELL陶瓷高音,5吋Accuton CELL陶瓷中音,與10吋SB Acoustic鋁質低音。

The Da Vinci的分音器部分,EMMESpeakers說得並不詳細,只說採用很低的分頻點與高階分頻網路,元件則都是發燒補料,例如Mundorf電容。
正式試聽前先仔細調整了一下喇叭擺位。The Da Vinci的10吋低音單體向後發聲,因此背牆對低頻的影響比一般低音反射孔位在背面的喇叭更為明顯,因此我慢慢地前後挪動位置,藉以求取最豐沛低頻量感與最清晰輪廓間的平衡點。附帶一提,綜合The Da Vinci的總總設計,它先天上就是該擺在空間中的明顯位置,並搭配裝潢格調,為空間與室內氣氛增色,而不是隱匿在牆邊角落。

經過精準擺位後,The Da Vinci毫不客氣地展現其低頻實力,不僅豐厚飽滿,量感充足,而且結構、輪廓清晰,延伸還相當自然。在充足功率與良好驅動力的控制下,The Da Vinci簡直具有連許多落地喇叭都比不上的低頻實力,在我試聽的過程中,有兩度社內的其他編輯跑來問我問題,一是問正在聽哪一對大喇叭,另一則個則問是不是有加超低音。事實上,我聽的就只有The Da Vinci,由此可以清楚證明,EMMESpeakers已經確實達到它們的目標:書架喇叭的表現也能和落地喇叭等量齊觀。


The Da Vinci可以再生平台鋼琴的龐大規模感。以比利時鋼琴家Julian Gorus演奏的李斯特「巡禮之年」為例,我聽到了平台鋼琴餘韻綿長的琴體共鳴感,低頻的尾韻以一種非常自然的方式延續並消逝,感染力也跟著綿延。The Da Vinci的優異低頻並不掩蓋中、高頻的表現,事實上,The Da Vinci的中、高頻表現甚至比低頻更好。同樣以「巡禮之年」為例,鋼琴觸鍵的力度非常直接而鮮明,顆粒清脆且通透,快速的連音也顯得粒粒分明。另外我還聽到了擊槌敲擊鋼弦時,非常清晰的震動聲響,以及鋼弦緊繃的質地,在在顯示出The Da Vinci偏於解析力的個性走向。

The Da Vinci對於細節與華麗可是毫不吝嗇。例如Dora Schwarzberg與阿格麗希演奏的法朗克與德布西的小提琴奏鳴曲CD,弱音時擦弦的沙沙質地充斥著聆聽空間裡,強奏時則藉由鮮明的弦樂線條與犀利對比,使勁地刻劃音樂情緒,感染力十足。The Da Vinci的弦樂光澤非常豐富,通透感也十分優異,可以感受到發燒用料的十足誠意,不過這種走在刀鋒上的音色走向也考驗著調音與搭配的功夫,稍一不慎可能會有過於銳利的風險。

接著播放郎朗與拉圖合作的普羅高菲夫、巴爾托克的鋼琴協奏曲。透過The Da Vinci與Linear Acoustic前後級的優異性能,郎朗的驚人技藝盡顯無疑,也充分表現出普羅高菲夫鋼協曲中的驚悚、緊張與壓迫的情緒張力。面對這樣的大曲子,The Da Vinci仍然可以四平八穩、游刃有餘地展現出豐富的音場層次與清楚結構,可見其單體性能與音箱結構確實厲害,也再次證明書架喇叭的體型與落地喇叭的性能已不再是魚與熊掌的困難選項。


使用單體:30 mm Accuton CELL陶瓷高音×1,5吋Accuton CELL陶瓷中音×1,10吋SB Acoustic鋁質低音×1
頻率響應:30Hz - 40kHz
效率:84 dB
尺寸:喇叭420×307.5×300 mm(H×W×D),
喇叭架553×250×368 mm(H×W×D)




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发表于 2017-9-28 23:27:04 | 只看该作者
总代理搭配意大利EAM LAB MUSICA102i(100瓦双单声道合并机)和意大利LECTOR雷塔CDP603 CD机推EMME The new beta的录音
http://m.youku.com/video/id_XMzA ... message&source=

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发表于 2017-9-28 23:35:14 | 只看该作者
著名的意大利HI-END 音箱制造商EMME公司近日推出了全新mOda音箱,此音箱采用了厂家专门设计的脚钉,可以精细调整,单元配置分为两种:一种是全陶瓷单元,另一种是钻石高音,其它为陶瓷单元。低音单元采用了两个陶瓷单元双低音增强设计,背面有调整开关,可选择低单增强模式和普通音乐模式。




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发表于 2017-10-10 11:46:00 | 只看该作者
搭配音源:欧博X1数字转盘(光盘+硬盘+线性电源一体机)+艾诗MBOX DSD数播(数字界面);

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发表于 2017-10-11 12:37:15 | 只看该作者
重庆以外外地买家购买链接https://item.taobao.com/item.htm ... amp;id=559871302819

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