本帖最后由 广陵散 于 2011-8-15 12:52 编辑
同意,从名称来探究确实两件乐器处于平等的地位,但由于缺乏象三重奏、四重奏这样固定的组合,一般都是由 ...
广陵散 发表于 2011-7-26 19:26
... all the more interesting, therefore, is the evulution of his sonatas for two instruments. In works of this class by composers before and including Haydn the violin is merely "ad libitum" , the musical stucture being complete without it, while in later years the emphasis was placed to an ever increasing extent on the violin . Nevertheless, Beethoven still describe his sonatas op.30 as being for "Piano with violin accopaniment", and it was until the Kreutzer Sonata op.47 that he used the wording "for piano and an obbligato Violin"...
。。。。。。因此,更有趣的是两件乐器的奏鸣曲式的发展。在先前的作曲家包括海顿的这类作品中,小提琴只是“ad libitum”(可以省略、随意处理的),在整个作品的结构中是无关紧要的,而后来作品中对小提琴的地位逐渐重视起来。尽管如此,贝多芬仍然将其op.30奏鸣曲称为“小提琴伴奏的钢琴”作品,直到op.47克鲁采奏鸣曲时,他才使用“为钢琴和obbligato(不可省略的)小提琴而作”的名称。。。。。。