本帖最后由 sgaudio 于 2013-11-16 09:59 编辑
jasonzhangy 发表于 2013-11-16 07:32
我这里换的是Pass & Seymour的15A美标头,瑞士VOVOX的电源线也用的这个头,而且价格不贵。
【Pass & Seymour 5266X插头的特点】
- 火线和地线导体采用高纯度铜材,声音纯净自然。
- 零线导体采用特别的镀镍处理,这种镀层比镀金和镀银更坚固,更耐腐蚀。
- 丰富的中音、快速的低频、优异的高频延伸,透明度和细腻度一流。
From: Marinco 8215T 3-prong plug
To: Pass & Seymour 5266-X
由Marinco 8215换成Pass & Seymour 5266-X
So how does it sound?
Awesome! The background is dead silent and everything stands out in stark contrast against it. Many people have claimed richer midrange, faster bass, spacious highs, etc. Well, I'm not willing to go that far, but everything does sound ....better.But Bob suggests at least 1 week for breakin, and up to a month. Also, he suggests replacing all the outlets on the same fusebox circuit for maximum effect.