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nike air max outlet your son is dead. this day was found dead in bed

发表于 2015-5-28 09:06:38 | 只看该作者 | 倒序看帖 | 打印 | 使用道具
aggressive. The family's nightmare began. in a mental hospital - the hospital - through 14 years on the track of recurrence, broke someone else's eyes and kidneys,air max italia, each incidence will hurt families and neighbors, the family getting poorer, increasing his illness weight, until thirty-four hospital admitted he did not want his wife also divorced him. To make Wang Dafeng less wounding, the family decided to take him back to his hometown of Li Ji village located. But the tragedy is still continuing,nike air jordan, in the village Wang Dafeng continue wounding, with the help of local police,nike air foce one, the King family put him into a welded steel cage. But that did not stop him.
"killing" dead his father, Wang Dafeng in a cage, to take care of his father killed. After the king's father died, Zhang Cai began to take care of him. Just follow what the family of the police with the help of a more robust welded cage. After her husband's death, Zhang Cai returned from sunshine Li Ji village, succeeding his wife children to take care of his son, the villagers remember,nike air max, back to the village did not take long, Zhang Cai became thin dry day,scarpe nike air max outlet, his own son off in the yard, not long white head. "If someone has a mental illness, the family basically even finished." Murakami said one villager, Zhang Cai had tried and cage son chat, to let his son quiet. But every exchange is Wang Dafeng roar and cage wrestle their hands outstretched. "Wang Dafeng grasping arms are so bad,air jordan shop, people have become dull." During advised Zhang Cai "Leave this neuropathy son," the woman froze for a long throw a "That's my child, I want to keep him." For Wang Dafeng one in terms of turning point came in 2010, when the king of this year,air jordan 4, the family doctor, get the help of Beijing Armed Police Corps Third Hospital. Beijing Armed Police Hospital neurosurgery physician Kui Xing said,nike air force, was to do the surgery  called "stereotactic surgery," the principle is similar to the site of disease prone psychotic some damage, and then by taking the patient's mood, disease and other control. After surgery, Wang Dafeng has been able to call the people to sit down and rest and thank the doctor, just slow speech. Wang Dafeng rely on drugs to maintain normal monthly medication than a thousand pieces,nike free run 5.0, the money for the annual income of more than ten thousand Zhang Cai.
Wang Dafeng came to say, "Mother,louboutin pas cher, I'm gone." She woke up and started for home direction,nike air max italia, and so on the evening of November 17 arrived in the town of Pizhou City, Li Ji nianzhuang village, the villagers told her: your son is dead.  this day was found dead in bed, the room temperature has reached zero, he lay flat, did not cover anything, eyes open,nike air max, mouth Zhang also like to tell whom what.  is a severe mental illness, in October this year,air max sito ufficiale, he was in the village conflict with others, by the police as normal Detention. After Wang XingJu their families because police refused to send medicine,  relapse in the detention center. Subsequently,nike air max online, the police decided to patient twice in a row the court to send home, but the family was refused. 24 days later, the king as the ball was kicked. Mother, police, villagers, friends refused to shelter the 42-year-old man. Wang eventually die alone at home, surrounded by nibbling piled into a very fine peanut shells. "He may be starved to death." Life is changed   An unexpected injury, will  become very aggressive tendencies of mental illness, after repeatedly rejected his family doctor had locked him in an iron cage,nike air max online, which did not stop him,nike free run, "kill" his father dead Most of the time, Zhang kanbar thin color aimlessly walking in the muddy slippery trail village, a few hours away. Sometimes come to their own tile-roofed house before she looked, not into the house,scarpe nike air max, then go. Zhang Cai think it is a brick fell from the sky changed Wang Dafeng life. Then 24-year-old  Shandong Rizhao glass worker, had just had a son, the family lived in the sunshine,scarpe nike air max, the day he goes to work in the factory, a brick fell on his head upstairs, he fell in a pool of blood. After discharge home, his wife and son were in the house, Wang Dafeng suddenly took a knife, shouting to kill. Loss of Zhang Cai rushed into the house to hold the child. Police took him to a mental hospital. He was diagnosed as recurrent episodes of mania.


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