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Xu Meizhou contracted to build a section of highway in Wenchang City

发表于 2015-7-6 15:17:48 | 只看该作者 | 倒序看帖 | 打印 | 使用道具
showing his Certificate to the Yangcheng Evening News reporter
Text / Yangcheng Evening News reporter intern Meng Xiao Wen Jianmin
Xu Meizhou, a topic of character:
◎ he appeared in the "Chinese good list", was honored as "moving Hainan People"
◎ donate money he was owed rent addicts wandering the streets of Guangzhou
◎ he said, "want to do great", others feel it "strange"
"I beg you not to get rid of me, or I can only sleep in the street, and I really had no place to go!"
When October 24, in Guangzhou, a waste recycling boss yet again euphemism Bing-hui put forward the "expulsion", hopes to send a homeless old man back home, freeing up other homeless aid more needy places, the old man was crying and life and death I do not want to go.
Yet it has been rated as "Guangdong good" to rescue homeless people famous, but did not expect this aid left him embarrassed.
It turned out that he was moved to the rental after rescuers no longer willing to go, a stay is five months, leaving the headache is still, this wandering elderly great background, he called , who elected in 2008, "China good list," and was named 2009 "Top Ten People moved to Hainan." But many times,http://www.csaj-khmer.org/newsite/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=336:committee-year-2013&catid=34ur-committee&Itemid=179&lang=ja, but never such a good living on the streets after August 2013, living under bridges,http://www.tuan0546.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=118776, drinking water, a little charity by good people to fill his stomach.
"He had two sons, but also willing to take him in the past, but he is reluctant to go for such a society have to contribute to a good man, I'm afraid off him after the accident, but has been so stay as is not the answer . "said Shang Bing-hui distress.
October 25, another volunteer funding will Xu Meizhou to Nanfang Hospital medical examination, if the body no serious hope Xu Meizhou can do another plan.
Wandering elderly "Lai" in the rental five months
May 2014, Shang Bing-hui received a phone call, the phone said there is an elderly man wandering in Guangzhou, hoping to shelter him,tn pas cher femme, "I usually rented a room, is dedicated to those homeless shelter." He very readily agreed.
After the meeting, Shang Bing-hui learned that the old man called , actually played in 2008, "China good list," and was named 2009 "Top Ten People moved to Hainan." Shang Bing-hui learned from the Internet  of deeds, but also very moved, especially to take care of Xu, in addition to providing accommodation, both for workers to give him a meal every day, every month at least give him six hundred dollars for living expenses.
But I never thought that this is a small six months to live,air jordan homme pas cher, "In the past helped so many tramps never seen not want to leave while he was here five months of room and board, travel expenses to him he did not want to go home."
In Xu Meizhou he came, yet Bing-hui met a 12-year-old boy, his father died, his mother remarried a young age to live in a nursing home because of illness, nobody nobody asked, he wanted to take over this edge care. So let him go home to discuss with Xu Meizhou, I hope he vacated the place to give that little boy, I did not expect to say nothing Xu Meizhou go.
"I am here to save short-term income usually homeless people, so that they can return to society as soon as possible, but do not have the conditions to help the long-term income, not my intention." Shang Bing-hui said. Still encounter live up to a month or two of the Rangers, but his patience help, eventually contacted the family, including a separation of two years with his family in Heilongjiang wandering elderly deaf.
He appeared in the "Chinese good list" of migrant workers
Xu Meizhou What kind of people? How he appeared in the "Chinese good list" of it?
January 26, 2006, Hainan Special Zone News front page story titled "Jixun creditors, I want to pay back the money," attracted people's attention, the hero  are migrant workers, Jingshan County in Hubei Province, 1996 On the death of his wife Joan work later, in 2004, Xu Meizhou contracted to build a section of highway in Wenchang City, but due to a loss of three workers owed several thousand dollars in wages. 2006, when, after he had some savings, because the phone is lost can not contact creditors, they began to help the media newspaper tracing. After the report came out, immediately attracted local attention. The next day, two creditors contacted Xu, Xu immediately also on the 2000 yuan of debt, his hands clasped together three pictures touched countless people of Hainan. Xu Meizhou has since been labeled the "integrity model" and other labels synonymous with positive energy.
Hainan Special Zone News single positive party is the oldest one reporter then interviewed , the memories told Yangcheng Evening News reporter interviewed him, "is a very ordinary workers, are determined to pay back the money, the creditors have been looking at was still very touching, after all was 'old Lai' a lot, he's such a practice makes a very deep impression. "
2008,http://www.cjrkxw.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=445289, "Xu migrant workers" because "good faith" moved China, was named secretary of the Central Civilization Office annual group and Chinese civilization network named "China's good list."
2009,  a news Hainan stir again, this time to report "shabby."
Xu Meizhou told Yangcheng Evening News reporter,http://www.izuzuki.com, he has long been engaged in Hainan stirring work on concrete, done for a long time, they see the number of doorways to some of the black heart of the contractors often cut corners, a large number of low-quality cement to reduce costs, leaving He wondered, these road projects not up to standard at the time of acceptance are qualified. This phenomenon allows Xu Meizhou very angry, repeatedly reported to the authorities. In 2009, Xu Meizhou selected as "Top Ten People moved to Hainan" one. Editor: Wu Jiahong
"Honesty good" owed more than four months' rent to leave
2012, Hainan network a "moral model many times to help the lives of others no money down and cure" Let  into the public view again, and attracted the attention of government departments. It is understood that Xu Meizhou receive donations was 6,000 yuan,louboutin soldes, the relevant department also said it would help him arrange a job, solve their sources of livelihood issues.
said that it was his sense of justice, after multiple reports rubbish road, he lost his job, no source of income, and often was called to threaten him, "warned you not to interfere, otherwise no good end, "" I carefully you to death. "
Xu Meizhou told Yangcheng Evening News reporter, Hainan local government to help him arrange a waste collection work gives help because the boss is a deaf convenient communication, but also some problems of his own body, refused the job.
The gradual loss of a source of income  more distress, but this time his sense of social justice, but more intense, to buy four or five newspapers a day, examine the latest social hot spot, "I reside in shabby homes, Interpreting the world!"
Xu Meizhou said he believes good turn deserves another, "My standard of living to a minimum on the line, I am worthy of this community, you see me now in addition to back pain, sore throat, whatever diseases are not, this is a good report!" Xu Americas smiling, told reporters.
But in August 2013, more than four months because owed 1,000 yuan rent, he was the landlord requested a rental, then embarked on a journey to help Guangzhou.
In Guangzhou, his ambition has not been cast, according to Xu's idea, he wanted to help charitable people in Guangzhou, give him money, he used to after the operation, specifically to help people in need. Xu Meizhou told reporters that he had to turn to charitable organizations,nike tn femme pas cher, but no one to help him, he had lived to relief stations, but not to live long after the living. Then, Xu street.
Donations addiction, family leave
"I used to earn 30 dollars one hour, the longest time did four days and five nights, earn more than others out several times, I have to minimize the level of their own lives, for more help some people in trouble." . Speaking of previous good deeds, Xu Meizhou face is proud expression.
Xu Meizhou, as long as he meets people who need help, will try to help. Although the report after the incident, his source of income by a significant impact, a big plus years after the original builder's manual labor can not dry up, but also bent on helping others. "I rent when a neighbor, but also from overseas workers, fifty years old, because owed rent to be cast out, although I did not know him, but also to help he gave two hundred dollars to pay the rent."
For this reason, the two sons could not stand his father's generosity, left him to go to work, since then rarely met.
"I am unworthy of my son, when ten years have not even married to a son of a penny, but that will not stop me to help others."
"I do not live for themselves, but also busy I achieve my goal, to do big things, these little things can not do," which is Xu Meizhou most repeated word.
"I want to buy five newspapers a day, I'm concerned about national affairs, I know there are a lot of the dark side of the society, I want to change the world, but on my own there is no way to achieve, we need a caring boss investment operations to help me to complete my cause. My goal is the most advanced of the world, to peace and harmony. "Xu Meizhou excitedly to reporters from the ideal society and the great goal of their own hearts.
Others worry that they have delusions
Xu Meizhou rental located Shang Bing-hui scrap yards upstairs,http://www.takasemed.com, reporter to inquire about purchasing the workers Xu impression, the answer is "strange, room and board is still the boss, but never saw him down too busy to help . "
Shang Bing-hui told reporters, he read the newspaper in the room every day, and often write about painting. "Often said he wanted to change this society, so that everyone can afford housing, affordable wedding knot, seek care, go to school. My workers are not willing to talk to him, every talk is the way to save the world They are worried that he is not a paranoia. "
Shang Bing-hui said he often went to rescue some of the Rangers, Xu Meizhou never reluctant to go along, the reporter asked Xu why not help a charity do the little things, Xu Meizhou said,http://www.47759944ea.cn/news/html/?11160.html, "I'm busy, I have to be busy event."
Shang Bing-hui, said Xu Meizhou two sons working in the north, have been married, he had many times to contact them, but never succeeded. And Xu Meizhou repeatedly stressed that he did not want to go home, do not want to live with his son. "Before I slept in the streets,http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/cgi-bin/18th.cgi,nike air jordan pas cher, under bridges,http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/cgi-bin/18th.cgi, drinking water, and sometimes only one day of instant noodles, hard enough, no one to help me. Now is still the boss here, put me to sleep well eat a day, the same as the Chinese New Year."
The reporter called the Guangzhou rescue shelter's phone, the staff said the relief stations in Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province accounts only to have to help homeless people, homeless people for the provinces to do what you can temporarily provide 1-2 days Accommodation and eating problems, and help them to contact the rescue shelter domicile, if home can also help them buy a return ticket. But if all the homeless in the city of Guangzhou, provides long-term accommodation if, Guangdong Province, there is no way to digest.
Before I left, Xu Meizhou car chasing reporter's interview, "you help me find a boss to support me 50,000 dollars, you will be able to start my career!" Editor: Wu Jiahong
(Original title: migrant workers appeared in the "Chinese good list" donations addiction owe rent wandering the streets of Guangzhou)

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