我太喜欢舒伯特的《崖上的牧羊人》这支歌了!在YouTube上听了凡是找得到的版本,也买了很多张含有这支歌的CD(可惜我不玩黑胶)。最喜欢的还是Ameling (soprano), Jörg Demus (pianoforte), Hans Deinzer (clarinet) 在1965年录制,由DHM发行的的这一款。我还有另一款CD是Ameling, George Pletersen (clarinet), 和Irwin Gage (piano) 在1972年录制,由EMI 发行的。我个人觉得DHM这款要更胜一筹。有一次开车时听到广播电台正在播放这支歌。曲终后,播音员告知这是Ameling/Demus/Deinzer 在DHM的录音,我当时心想正是我的首选。 据说这是舒伯特有生之年创作的最后一支艺术歌曲,是应当时的一位歌剧女高音Anna Milder-Hauptmann的请求,为她而写的。当时这位女高音特别希望的是,舒伯特将要创作的这支歌能让她有表现比较广阔的感情范围的机会,并可以在音乐厅这样的大场合演唱。这样一来,这支歌简直就很像是一段歌剧的咏叹调。舒伯特在这支歌的伴奏里加上了单簧管,它对这支歌的效果起到了很独特的作用。 下面我引用的是网络上这支歌的英文译文。 When on the highest cliff I stand,
gaze down into the deep valley
and sing,
the echo from the ravines
floats upwards from the dark valley
far away.
The further my voice travels,
the clearer it returns to me
from below.
So far from me does my love dwell
that I yearn for her more ardently
over there.
With deep grief I am consumed,
my joy is at an end;
all hope on earth has left me;
I am so lonely here,
I am so lonely here.
So longingly sounded the song in the wood,
so longingly it sounded through the night,
drawing hearts heavenwards
with wondrous power.
Spring is coming,
Spring, my joy;
now I will make ready to go journeying. |