LINN莲CD12 MK3 24bit CD机,典藏版 这机子是CD12的MK3典藏版,编号为949813,第一个拥有者是linn的创始人Ivor Tiefenbrun ,其后机子转让给Ivor Tiefenbrun 的朋友Brian,我是从Brain购得此机,以下是卖家与我沟通的英文邮件内容。
(Hi Tang, the unit was the personal property of Ivor Tiefenbrun himself (founder of LINN products) and he had it checked over on 26 th November 2007 before offering it to his oldest son, who decided on a streamer instead, so Ivor offered it to me (we have been friends for a number of years) I have always been a keen Vinyl player so my various LP12's have been my main source components and the CD12 would only be used for a few hours each year. It has never shown any problems at all and has played all CD's I have presented to it, it of course is not a SACD player or indeed DVD or Blue tooth, but I am sure you are aware of this. It was the later version with 24 bit and has a 6 digit serial number to confirm this. The only thing to mention is that the hand set may need reprogramming for your system and all of the information is on line.
Ivor tells me that they have all replacement parts apart from the casings and the chrome draw. But this unit has had very little use and is in fine condition.)
这里普及一下,CD12有三个版本,第一个版本是20bit,称为MK1,第二个版本是24bit,称为MK2, 终极版本为MK3, 拥有6个数字序列号(前面非0),知道这终极版本的人极少,哪怕是外国知道的老外也不多,只有热爱linn的老烧才知道这个机子,以下是在英国Linn的论坛看到的菜鸟问起这cd12 MK3的问题,老烧的回答的链接。