本帖最后由 jogo 于 2015-4-2 10:37 编辑
有人试过蒙多福顶级金银焊锡没? 电路板上用这种会不会个性太强反而失去平衡?
due to its silver content, the conductivity of the solder is also slightly improved, but not at a big advantage.
When you apply silver containing solder (commercially available Tin/Lead/Silver (Sn/Pb/Ag) types with a 2 to 5.8 % silver
content or our lead-free silver solder) be very careful not to move your cable and/or connector for minimally 10 seconds
after the solder tool’s tip has been removed: During solidification the silver builds a kind of silver tree inside the solder
drop and when you move the cable and/or connector earlier, you may break this silver tree. The contact’s sound quality
then will be somewhat less.