RAAL 与其它铝带最大的不同在哪呢? 看到一家音频工作室论述到.......RAAL 与其他铝带的主要区别在于,看似线性几何形体的RAAL铝带,是作为半球形声波源发声的.那么他的指向性是相对来说优秀的. 又者铝带的高端频响失真低,轻松演绎出乐器的自然音色.
其中的一段话更是有点麻, 还是原文吧:It comes easily for the 140-15D to "fool" the human brain in such a way that, all of a sudden, makes everything sound right and just as it should. The brain has no option but to interpret that there are real living people playing real musical instruments, playing in the very room in which, a millisecond ago, contained nothing more than your stereo system. The sensation of hearing "natural" sound is overwhelming. The exact size of all the instruments and vocals, their perfect position within the sound stage, and the clarity of air between the instrument's positions are all instantly recognizable…