名为Martin D的网友于2010年4月9日在http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/archive/index.php/t-61965.html
发的的帖子,只翻译第一句:不可否认,Polymer Logic音箱让业界的很多人生气--非常地生气。
Undeniably, the Polymer Logic loudspeaker is causing a lot of people in the industry to be angry - very angry. When a product comes along with a degree of performance and refinement never seen before, with limited availability, and pricing that would make competitors products obsolete, this will certainly shake things up. You should also be prepared that you local dealer who offers popular high end brands will not have anything good to say about the Polymer Logic, despite the fact that this flies in the face of common sense. As shown on the value page, your local dealer stocks and carries products that when judged simply on the basis of parts quality, are at least 10 times less costly to manufacture. The only loudspeaker at the time of this writing that contains a diamond midrange driver costs $250,000/pr. Doesn’t this at the very least warrant your attention and don’t you owe it to yourself to seek out and audition a pair of the Polymer Logic loudspeakers?