本帖最后由 loou 于 2013-11-1 22:08 编辑
游子 发短消息 发表于 1 小时前
白金版除了腳架較大以外 背後還有兩塊大的裝飾板塊來增加箱體重量
喇叭端子連結處的U型跳PIN都改成搖頭開關 內部某些零件更換成純銀的
Dear Loou,
the feet alone are 40 Kg more heavy, per speaker. It is polished stainless steel and they are bigger, it gives an even more profound and stable basic. The backside is designed to UAcoustics wishes, the terminal is the same, but maybe a bit more easy to use since it is high quality switchers. Inside are some silver parts for a hint better sound.
Many Greetings
Jorn |