恭喜楼主啊,我也是用的一样的akurate lp12, 不过lingo和uphorik我选了黑色。顺便发一张三个钉的图,快让泽森给你补发。
不知道你有无用xlr的T cable。买uphori的原因之一就是有xlr的输入,提升很大。看莲怎么说:
The fundamental difference is the screening. A Cartridge is a single ended coil. One end is connected to the reference ground of the gain stage, the other end is the signal which is connected to the input of the gain stage. The gain stage multiplies the signal level at it's input relative to it's reference. So if the reference end of the cartridge has noise modulating it, then the output of the cartridge has the same noise modulation.
With an RCA cable, the screen is the reference signal AND the screen which prevents noise pickup to the wanted signal. However as it is the screen, it inevitably picks up unwanted noise and sinks it to the reference of the gain stage.
With an XLR cable the reference signal is twisted together with the cartridge signal so there is no noise difference between the two so the input signal relative to the reference is "cleaner". In addition there is a dedicated screen which sinks the unwanted noise to chassis rather than the reference of the gain stage.
I hope this helps. My advise is buy the XLR cable you will not be disappointed.