The concept of standing waves directly depends on the reflection of sound. Assume two flat, solid parallel walls separated a given distance A sound source between them radiates sound of a specific frequency. As we observed, the wavefront striking the right wall is reflected back toward the source, striking the left wall where it is again reflected back toward the right wall, and so on. (声波打在右墙上,然后再反射回其来源。这反射回的波又打在左墙上,同时又再次反射回右墙以至这样延续下去。注意:英文So on,不断地延续下去)One wave travels to the right, the other toward the left. The two traveling waves (注意,这是两个波)interact to form a (注意:是一个)standing wave. (一个声波射向右面,而另一个声波射向左面,这两向前移动的声波的相互作用就构成了驻波。)Only the standing wave, the interaction of the two, (又是两个波)is stationary. (只有驻波是不移动的。)