Three months passed since I last dropped a few lines about music. And it's over a month since I made my tribute tour to Mount Kang Ripoche. For many times I heard or read music lovers saying that there was a linkage between Bruckner symphonies and mountains on Tibetan Plateau, though it might be the Alps where the scenic splendor fired the musical inspirations of the old-good-folk composer. Yet today it is Celibidache's Bruckner No.5 that urges me to jot down the fading memory of the Holy Mountain.
INTO THIN AIR:DEATH ON EVEREST 是哥伦比亚三星97年根据真人真事改编拍摄的一部非常写实的登山题材影片,当时全美院线上映并不广泛。该片的管弦配乐却非常精彩,Lee Holdridge用Jerry Goldsmith式的奇数节奏(迟滞的)-不和谐音块技法,将高山上空气稀薄呼吸困难,望眼欲穿救援的严酷煎熬等情境刻画得有如身临其境。于与此同时,珠峰的险峻壮美与探险者无畏生死的勇气,亦在豪迈宽广管弦乐与强劲打击群组的对比下相应生辉。
加页中还有一册《如何花大钱》(How to Spend it )铜版纸彩页专刊,载满高端消费的前沿报告和诱人图片,展现出世界范围内高收入人群泛全球化的美好生活,同时也是消费主义毒害质朴人性、啮食清澈本心的绝佳例证。好在那上面列举的商品档次实在高出个人消费能力若干等级,因此也就可以相当淡定地以看热闹、听故事的心态去欣赏这些遥不可及的客观存在了。